Celebrate Novruz, Celebrate Life

Coca-Cola Novruz Celebration Communication Campaign
Main objective of the campaign was to increase loyalty, brand love and at home consumption during off-season period, as well as make Coca-Cola the attribute of Novruz holiday. In order to do that we had to show that Coca-Cola understands local values, respects and shares them with Azerbaijani people.
The main insight for the campaign came from the fact that Coca-Cola’s values of optimism, of enjoying and celebrating life correspond to the essence of Novruz. So, the slogan was chosen “Celebrate Novruz, Celebrate Life”. The campaign featured composition of a special song, an anthem, dedicated to Novruz by a popular singer, Tunzale Aghayeva. A strong digital strategy ensured high engagement of users in the project, making them co-authors of the song.
A heavy TV and OOH campaign together with a number of BTL activities created a great word of mouth and made the campaign the winner of “Best Connection Planning” nomination by Coke Global Headquarters, while the TVC, produced in cooperation with McCann Istanbul, won “The Best TV Commercial” in Golden Crown Awards in 2014.